Stay in touch with us
We work from Monday till Friday from 7:00 a.m. to 4:00 p.m.
Coronatech RSA
42 Beechgate Crescent
Southgate Industrial Park
P.O. Box 426,
Umbogintwini, 4120
Tel: +27 (0) 31 9140149
Mr R.Milne (RSA)
Mrs M.A. Milne (RSA)
Miss J.L Milne (RSA)
Coronatech Australia
Level 4, 130 Stirling Street
WA 6000
P.O. Box 8124
Perth BC
WA 6849
Mr T. Blenkinsop (Australia)
Mr R. Milne (RSA
Mrs M.A. Milne (RSA)
Coronatech Zambian
No.6 Mwaiseni Close
Kalulushi – ZAMBIA
P.O. Box 260468
Kalulushi – Zambia
Tel: +26 (0) 0966 922 816
Cell: +27 (0) 82 417 7234
Mr M Hansingo (Zambian)
Mr R. Milne (RSA)
Mrs M.A. Milne (RSA)